Company Compliance Connectivity
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Brokerage Continuing Education
2025 Brokers Exam
2025 Classes
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Forced Labor Supply Chain Assessment, Affirmation and Supplier Verifications
Incoterms Rules Explanation, Review and Guidance for Global Logistics, Procureme
CTPAT POC and Company Awareness Training
Export Trade Compliance Certification
Import Trade Compliance Certification
CTPAT Supplier Forced Labor Verification Demonstrations
CTPAT General Awareness Training
Import Regulations Compliance and Internal Audit
Export International Trade Compliance Certification (ITCC)
Import International Trade Compliance Certification (ITCC)
HTS Classification Determination and Annual Review Management Workshop
International Trade Compliance Certification Export (Full Day)
International Trade Compliance Certification Import (Full Day)
CTPAT POC and company Awareness training- (Half day)
CTPAT Threat Awareness Annual Training (Half day)
CTPAT Supplier Forced Labor Verification Demonstration (Half Day)
CTPAT POC and Company Awareness Training (Half day)
Export Regulations and Compliance Internal Audit & Forwarder Management Workshop
Import Regulations and Compliance Internal Audit & Brokerage Management Workshop
HTSUS Classification Determination and annual review management workshop (Ful
Incoterms Management for Global Procurement, Sales, and Logistics Professionals
CTPAT General Awareness Training & Portal 3.0 MSC Program Management (Half Day)
CTPAT Forced labor supply chain affirmation and program management for Importers
Global Trade Procurement Strategies towards Supplier Trade Compliance (Full Day)
TWA Import Trade Compliance Corrective Actions
Valuation Responsible Care and Control Declaration Management for Purchased
April 2025 Electronic Customs Brokerage Examination
TWA Export Compliance Supervision and Controls Collaboration Inbox
The Demonstration Path towards CTPAT 2023 New Forced Labor Requirements
Road Map to Trusted Trader RMTT
C-TPAT Revalidation Management
Social Compliance/ Trusted Trader/ CTPAT Supply Chain
USMCA Implementation Understanding and Overview Discussion
Valuation Management Assists, Royalties, and Retroactive Payments
CTPAT Portal Management & Virtual Validation
Record Retention Management RRM
Importers Preparation for the BKIP Program
Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) Compliance
Export Compliance Update
Customs Brokerage Performance Management
CTPAT Management Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
HTS Classification Training
Virtual Import Compliance Management
TWA Import Valuation Management
Virtual Import Compliance Remote Access “Work from Home” Compliance Management
The Benefits of Foreign Trade Zone Utilization Global Trade Best Pract.
TFTEA Compliance Wake Up Call Training
CTPAT New Minimum-Security Criteria Update
Duty Drawback Revenue Recovery & Managemen
TWA HTS Annual Line Item Review FOR 2023 NEW! TWA HTS Annual Line Item Review
Webinar Import Trade Compliance Corrective Actions Demonstrations