HTSUS Classification Determination and annual review management workshop (Ful
March 8- Nashville, TN
The HTS classification responsibility is a major component of the reasonable care demonstration of trade participants, inclusive of importers and USPPI’s.
This training will address the strategic compliance management process regarding an inclusive annual HTSUS review to determine the accuracy and current classification for all items in the active supply chain process.
This course is a necessary guide in the development of compliance best practices in the management of HTS determination, assignment, amendment, and updates.
Topics will include:
Line-item description review
Automated data base functionality
New product classification management
Legacy classification affirmation
Resource identification to defend all classifications
Internal commodity knowledge employees
HTS classification committee approach
Frequency of line-item review amendment
Scheduling active updates and amendments for new product addition
Inactive item deletions
Third party assistance
CBP binding rulings
This class is a must to demonstrate your company’s ability to ensure accurate classifications are being provided to brokers and forwarders to meet compliance requirements.